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Travel insurance for a safe holiday in obertilliach in tYrol

Travel insurance for a safe holiday

SiNo doubt, you’re looking forward to your holiday, but you should also take into account that there's so much that can happen before and during your stay. To ensure a holiday without risk, you might wish to take some precautions such as taking out cancellation insurance “Hotel Plus” from the European travel insurance.
The “Hotel Storno Plus” insurance covers the costs (without deductible) in case of unexpected travel cancellation (e.g. in case of illness), travel interruption, delayed arrival, involuntary postponed departure as well as potential search and rescue measures. The insurance cover applies for a maximum of 30 days within Europe.

The “Hotel Storno Plus” insurance package includes the following services:

  • Cancellation costs if the travel is not commenced up to the selected travel price (without deductible)
  • Refund of booked but not used travel services up to the selected travel price
  • Refund of additional overnight stay and catering costs during your travel up to € 400.-- in case of delayed arrival
  • Refund of additional overnight stay and catering costs at the holiday destination up to € 2000.-- in case of involuntary holiday extension
  • Search and rescue costs (incl. helicopter rescue) in case of accident or distress at sea or in the mountains up to € 7500.--
  •  24-hour emergency service and immediate emergency aid

More information about taking out travel insurance “Hotel Storno Plus”